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I will worship you Lord

I will worship you Lord
With all of my might
I will praise you with a Psalm
I will worship you Lord
With all of my might
I will praise you all day long
For thou O lord art glorious
Thy Name is greatly to be praised
May my heart be pure and holy in thy sight
As I will worship you with all of my might

Muhjpj;J Jjpj;J
tzq;fp njhOJ
rq;fPjj;NjhNl ghLNtd;
Muhjpj;J Jjpj;J
tzq;fp njhOJ
ve;ehSk; Jjpj;jpLNtd;
kfpikapd; Njtd; ngupatNu
ck; ehkk; Nghw;WNthNk
ck; r%j;jpy; ehd;
ck;ik Muhjpj;J Jjpj;jpLNtd;
Nerpg;Ngd; ehd; Jjpg;Ngd; ehd;
ek;GNtd; ehd; Nghw;WNtd; ehd;
tzq;FNtd; ehd; kfpo;Ntd; ehd;
Muhjpg;Ngd; ,NaR Njtid